Senior Fellow

Jochen Triesch

Prof. Dr. Jochen Triesch

Research Area: Life- and Neurosciences
Focuses: Cognitive Processes, Cancer Research, Machine Learning, Neural Coding and Dynamics, Neural Data Analysis, Neural Networks, Vison-Learning-Understanding

Research Group


Office: 2|101 (FIAS)
Phone: +49 69 798 47531


Prof. Dr. Jochen Triesch is the Johanna Quandt Professor for Theoretical Life Sciences at FIAS. He also holds professorships at the Dept. of Physics and the Dept. of Computer Science and Mathematics at Goethe University Frankfurt. Before joining FIAS in 2005 he was Assistant Professor at UC San Diego, USA. Originally trained as a physicist, he discovered his passion for studying the brain already during his graduate education.



2007 - today Johanna Quandt Research Professor, Senior Fellow

2007 - 2017 Member of the Executive Board

2012 - 2017 Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board

2005 - 2007 Fellow

Further Organisations

2007 - today Professor at the departments Physics, Informatics and Mathematics, Goethe University      


Marie Curie Excellence Center Award by the EU (2006)