Research group Matthias Kaschube - News


October 2024:

Matthias chaired this years international Bernstein Conference in Frankfurt! Jonas, Deyue, Lorenzo and Sigrid presented their recent projects as posters. Following the main conference, Jonas and Sigrid co-organized a PhD symposium at FIAS [link].

Marens' and Pamelas' paper was accepted at ECCV, which they presented at this years conference in Milan. Congratulations!

September 2024:

We are looking back on the successful conference "Bridging Fields in Creativity Research", which we organized together with the University of Mainz. [News]

June 2024:

Vienna opened the doors for the "European Neuroscience Conference by Doctoral Students" Encods, where Jonas gave a talk.

This was followed by the "The Austrian Neuroscience Association" and "The Hungarian Neuroscience Society" FENS. Lorenzo, Deyue and Jonas accompanied Bastian who had organized a symposium on representation drift, titled " Representational drift, memory and forgetting". 

At the 9th EVC European Vision & Cognition Meeting in Montecastelli (Italy) Sigrid presented a Poster while Matthias held a lecture to the conference participants.

RMN Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network in Oberwesel was the place where  Lorenzo, Deyue, Jonas and Bastian were not only presenting posters, Bastian and Jonas held special talks and Jonas also took part at the science slam. 

April 2024:

Jonas and Bastian both presented neuroscience research at the Public Science Event "Frankfurt hat Hirn" to High School Students from the Rhine Main Area.

March 2024:

Sigrid und Jonas held a special talk at the 15th NWG Meeting in Göttingen. 

Jonas participated in the "Science Slam Reutlingen" in Reutlingen. Which was a great opportunity to introduce his research to the general public.

February 2024: 

Bastian, Sigrid, Maren and Thomas attended the Cosyne Conference in Lisboa; Portugal.

Maren and Matthias held a special talk at the iMOL Retreat in Kleinwalsertal, Austria.

Afterwards Matthias joined the Arena Retreat in Kleinwalsertal, Austria together with Pamela, Santiago and Maren where they held a special talk.

November 2023:

New preprint from our PhD Student Maren Wehrheim: Reliability of Variability and Complexity Measures for Task and Task-Free BOLD fMRI [Link]

The Team participated at the FIAS "Complexity conference" where Matthias had a special talk and posters were presented from the team.

Maren traveled to Toronto, Canada for a month to join the York University for a research visit with Kohitij Kar.

Oktober 2023:

Bastian traveled to Paris, France for a two month research visit at the Institut de la vision - Sorbonne.

September 2023:

Santiago joins the lab as a new Phd student. Welcome!

Matthias, Bastian and Deyue are joining the Bernstein conference in Berlin.

Meanwhile will Jonas attend the "International Inderdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School" in Tübingen.

August 2023:

Maren joins the Summer School "SFI Clompexity-GAINs" in Cambridge, England.

Jonas is travelling to Cambridge,England as well,to participate with Maren at the "CCN Cognitive Computational Neuroscience Conference" in Oxford, England and both are presenting a poster.

July 2023:

The "CNS Computationonal Neuroscience Meeting" takes place in Leipzig, where Lorenzo, Sigrid, Thomas, Jonas, Maren and Deyue presenting a poster.

Deyue travels to Tel Aviv, Israel to join the CRCNS conference while

Jonas travels to Amsterdam, Netherland to participate in the Summer School "Model-Based Neuroscience and Cognition".

May 2023:

The "VSS Vision Science Society" takes place in St. Peterburg, Florida and Sigrid and Maren are travelling to the Conference and presenting a poster.

March 2023:

Matthias and Sigrid attend Cosyne in Montreal. Unfortunately, Deyue could not attend due to visa delays, so her co-author Haleigh helped out.

Jonas and Sigrid were selected to give a "Young Investigator Talk" at symposia of the German Neuroscience Society Meeting in Göttingen. 

January 2023:

Deyue’s and Sigrid's works are accepted at Cosyne. Congratulations!

December 2022:

New preprints:

Vogel FW, Alipek S, Eppler JB, Triesch J, Bissen D, Acker-Palmer A, Rumpel S, Kaschube M. Fully automated detection of dendritic spines in 3D live cell imaging data using deep convolutional neural networks. bioRxiv. 2023:2023-01.  [Link]

Wehrheim MH, Faskowitz J, Sporns O, Fiebach C, Kaschube M, Hilger K How much data do we need? Lower bounds of brain activation states to predict human cognitive ability. bioRxiv. 2022:2022-12. [Link]

November 2022:

Matthias, Deyue and Sigrid attend the ferret brain meeting in San Diego, where Matthias and Sigrid give a talk and Deyue presents a poster. At the annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience Sigrid gives a talk in a nanosymposium and Deyue presents a poster.

New preprint:

Trägenap S, Whitney DE, Fitzpatrick D, Kaschube M. Experience drives the development of novel, reliable cortical sensory representations from endogenously structured networks. bioRxiv. 2022:2022-11 [Link]

New publication:

Chambers AR, Aschauer DF, Eppler JB, Kaschube M, Rumpel S A stable sensory map emerges from a dynamic equilibrium of neurons with unstable tuning properties, Cerebral Cortex, 2022 [Link]

September 2022:

Jonas officially joins the lab as a PhD student. He travels to the University of Minneapolis; Minnesota for a Research Visit with Gordon Smith.

Jens-Bastian, Deyue, Sigrid, and Thomas travel to Berlin to participate in the Bernstein conference. Jens-Bastian presents a poster on ‘Abrupt transitions of network responses to gradual drift of connectivity’, Deyue presents a poster on 'Universality of modular correlated networks across the developing neocortex', and Sigrid gives a talk on ‘Experience drives the development of novel, reliable cortical sensory representations from endogenous networks’ at the main meeting. Congratulations!

August, 2022: 

Maren attends the ‘Brain, Minds, Machines’ summer course in Woods Hole. 

Deyue participates in the “Mathematical Methods in Computational Neuroscience Summer School” at the Fred Kavli Science Center in Eresfjord, Norway.

Lorenzo and Deyue participate in the European Visual Cortex Meeting at Kloster Seeon, where Deyue presents a poster.

July, 2022:

Sigrid travels to Japan and attends the “Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course”. 

Lorenzo attends the “9th Baltic-Nordic Summer School  of Neuroinformatic” in Kraków, Poland. 

Jonas attends the “Eastern European Machine Learning Summer School” in Vilnius, Lithuania, and won a poster prize. Congratulations!

Jens-Bastian successfully defends his doctoral thesis on ‘Ongoing neuronal population activity dynamics in the neocortex - Representational drift in experiment and model’. Congratulations!  After being awarded with a traditional hat, he continues to work as a PostDoc in the lab. [Link]

June, 2022:

Jonas, Deyue and Sigrid attend a conference on ‘Spontaneous activity in brain development’ in Alicante. Congratulations to Sigrid who won a prize for the best poster at the conference!

Pamela, Thomas and Jens-Bastian  present their work at the biennial meeting of the Rhine-Main-Neuroscience-Network (RMN²) in Oberwesel.

March, 2022:

Deyue and Jonas travel to Lisbon and present a joint poster at the Cosyne conference.

Februar, 2022:

New publication: 

Aschauer DF#, Eppler JB#, Ewig L, Chambers A, Pokorny C, Kaschube M*, Rumpel S* (2022) Learning-induced biases in the ongoing dynamics of sensory representations predict stimulus generalization. Cell Reports 38(6):110340  #equal contribution; *jointly directed work. [Link]

December, 2021:

New publication:

Mulholland HN, Hein B, Kaschube M, Smith GB (2021). Tightly coupled inhibitory and excitatory functional networks in the developing primary visual cortex. Elife. 10:e72456. [Link]

October, 2021:

Pamela and Lorenzo join the lab as PhD students. Welcome!

September, 2021:

Jens-Bastian gives a talk in the workshop ‘Maintaining function in the presence of ongoing change’ at the virtual Bernstein conference on his work ‘Formation of associations by learning-induced biases in the ongoing dynamics of sensory representations’.

April, 2021:

Deyue joins the lab as a PhD student. Welcome!

March, 2021:

Sigrid presents a poster at the virtual Cosyne conference.

September, 2020:

Maren, Jens-Bastian and Sigrid present posters at the virtual Bernstein conference

June, 2019: Sigrid gives a talk at the Computational Neuroscience Conference in Barcelona on ‘Co-refinement of network interactions and neural response properties in visual cortex’ 

December 03, 2020:

Open positions:

We are seeking excellent PhD students for image analysis / computational neuroscience projects. The position will be embedded in the DFG-funded graduate school iMOL:

August 16, 2019:

New preprint:

A Basis Set of Elementary Operations Captures Recombination of Neocortical Cell Assemblies During Basal Conditions and Learning (2019) Dominik F Aschauer, Jens-Bastian Eppler, Luke Ewig, Anna Chambers, Christoph Pokorny, Matthias Kaschube*, Simon Rumpel*. CELL-D-19-02189. Available at SSRN: equally contributing author; *jointly directed work.

October 22, 2018:

New publication:

Distributed network interactions and their emergence in developing neocortex (2018) Gordon B Smith, Bettina Hein, David E Whitney, David Fitzpatrick*, Matthias Kaschube*. Nature Neurosci 21:1600-1608. equally contributing author; *jointly directed work.

Link to press release

Movies of spontaneous activity and distributed networks in the visual cortex (MPFI): Link

October 18, 2018:

New publication:

´Elucidating the control and development of skin patterning in cuttlefish´ (2018) Sam Reiter, Philipp Hülsdunk, Theodosia Woo, Marcel A Lauterbach, Jessica S Eberle, Leyla Anne Akay, Amber Longo, Jakob Meier-Credo, Friedrich Kretschmer, Julian D Langer, Matthias Kaschube, Gilles Laurent. Nature 562:361-366.

Link to press release

July 18, 2018

Congrats to Bettina who won the Best Poster Prize Award at the CNS 2018 in Seattle with ´Early spontaneous activity significantly predicts structural changes in layout of orientation domains during early development´. Hein B, Trägenap S, Whitney DE, Smith GB, Fitzpatrick D, Kaschube M. CNS 2018, Seattle USA.

June 15, 2018

Congratulations to Bastian who won the Best Poster Prize Award at the rmnBiennial Meeting 2018 in Oberwesel with ´Modelling ongoing recombination of cell assemblies in auditory cortex´. Eppler B, Aschauer D, Rumpel S, Kaschube M. rmn2 Biennial Meeting 2018, Oberwesel.

Congratulations to Sigrid who won a Poster Prize Award at the rmn2 Biennial Meeting 2018 in Oberwesel with ´The role of network interactions in coordinating neuronal tuning properties across visual cortex´. Trägenap S, Hein B, Whitney DE, Smith GB, Fitzpatrick D, Kaschube M. rmn2 Biennial Meeting 2018, Oberwesel.