
Sebastian Thallmeier

Dr. Sebastian Thallmair

Research Area: Life- and Neurosciences
Focuses: Biophysics, Machine Learning, Multiscale Modelling

Research Group


Office: 1|403 (FIAS)
Phone: +49 69 798 47658


Sebastian Thallmair (*1984 in Munich) studied chemistry and biochemistry at the Ludwig- Maximilians-University Munich, where he finished his PhD in theoretical chemistry with the thesis “Photogeneration of reactive intermediates: From initial quantum dynamics to chemical yields in solution” in 2015. He investigated photochemical processes conducting theoretical simulations as well as transient spectroscopic measurements in cooperation with the Institute for Biomolecular Optics (Munich). His dissertation was awarded with the price of the Dr. Klaus Römer-Stiftung. After a short period as postdoctoral researcher in Munich, he joined the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) in 2016. His research focused on modeling of biological processes and method development for coarse-grained molecular dynamics. He was awarded an Individual Fellowship of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of the European Commission (Horizon2020) in 2017. As a part of the CMMS project at FIAS, Sebastian Thallmair was appointed as a Fellow and independent group leader, starting October 2020.



2022 - today Scientific Coordinator FIGSS Graduate School

2020 – today Fellow

Further Organisations 

2016 – 2020 Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands 

2015 – 2016 Postdoctoral researcher at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich 

2010 – 2015 PhD student at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

Honors and Awards

2017 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (European Commission) 

2014 Price of the Dr. Klaus Römer-Stiftung in the category dissertations