Arbeitsgruppe Franziska Matthäus - The Art of Theoretical Biology
Dear authors,
Our book entitled The Art of Theoretical Biology has been released in early 2020. We want to thank you very much for all the fantastic images you submitted. Without your engagement this project would not have been possible.

About the book
Data analysis, numerical treatment of a model, or simulation results can result in stunning images which represent pieces of art just by themselves. We were collecting images created in the process of research in theoretical biology, and combined them with a short research story and the story of the image generation process. This resulted in a book comprising over 70 images from over 120 authors. The book was released by SpringerNature in early 2020. In the future, we plant to prepare the images for exhibition at conferences and public locations to rise awareness towards the field of theoretical biology.
Editorial Team
Franziska Matthäus
FIAS / Frankfurt University
Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Sarah Harris
Computational Biophysics Group
Soft Matter and Theoretical Physics,
School of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Leeds,
Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
Thomas Hillen
Department of Mathematical
and Statistical Sciences
632 Central Academic Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G1 Canada
Graphic design
Sebastian Matthäus
Grenzfarben - Agentur für Gestaltung
Neumannstr. 132
13189 Berlin